As a luxury British brand Mou is committed to protecting the rights of consumers to safe shopping with a zero-tolerance stance on the buying and selling of counterfeit goods.
Our active global anti-counterfeiting and brand protection program operates daily with take-downs and seizures of fake Mou domains and fake Mou goods.
Despite our ongoing efforts, even the most sophisticated of consumers can suffer unexpected identity theft, credit card fraud and financial loss when shopping online; due to the increasing sophistication and proliferation of counterfeit websites.
These often look legitimate with identical brand and product images stolen from genuine Mou brand official stores. Products purchased from them usually do not arrive, or are poorly made, looking nothing like the real thing. Personal data and credit card details can be used to siphon cash within minutes of a sales transaction being confirmed on a counterfeit website, so we strongly recommend consumers to be vigilant and to shop cautiously, checking links and asking questions first.
If you suspect a website of being counterfeit, or if you have seen counterfeit products in store somewhere, we should be very grateful to receive a tip about such suspected piracy to the following email